2021.11.27 – Soul Nebula

- Telescope – Meade 70mm Series 6000 Refractor
- Main Camera – ZWO ASI294MC Pro
- Filter –Radian Triad Ultra Quad-Band Narrowband Filter
- Mount – HEQ5
- Guide Scope – ZWO 30mm f/4 mini guide scope
- Guide Camera – ZWO ASI290MM
- Controller – ZWO ASIAir Pro
- 60 Light Images at 120 gain, 300s exposure
- 10 Dark Images
- 10 Bias Images
- 10 Flat Images
The Soul Nebula. SH2-199.
Does it look like a ‘soul’? To me it looks more like a beetle. Definitely some sort of insect but I lean towards a beetle.
Second time imaging this target. The first time being 2022.11.13. I used the Radian Triad filter this time around. I remember thinking I could get a better image than this. Not that this image is bad. It’s pretty decent. I just think I could have and should have been able to produce more details of this nebula. It’s a pretty easy target from the backyard so a part 3, 4, 5, etc will be coming.
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