2021.11.24 – Triangulum Galaxy

- Telescope – Meade 70mm Series 6000 Refractor
- Main Camera – ZWO ASI294MC Pro
- Filter – Optolong 2″ L-Pro
- Mount – HEQ5
- Guide Scope – ZWO 30mm f/4 mini guide scope
- Guide Camera – ZWO ASI290MM
- Controller – ZWO ASIAir Pro
- 35 Light Images at 120 gain, 300s exposure
- 5 Dark Images
- 5 Bias Images
- 10 Flat Images
Triangulum Galaxy.
Third time imaging the Triangulum Galaxy. The first two times were taken in 2020. So, a year since.
I think my technique in post-processing has gotten better. I’ve been using less darks, bias, and flats. M33 is such a small target with my telescope I don’t feel I get as great as detail. With a stronger telescope I think I could get a really awesome image of this galaxy. With the 70mm it’s quite perfect for the something as large as Andromeda.